Sunday, March 29, 2020

How I'm surving the Lockdown-Yumi

Hi everyone. I'm surving the lockdown by doing three things.
1. talking to my host family, or my friends.
 For example, today I talked to my friends, and we discussed about what is the best drinking for our health. It was a little difficult topic, but we could  practice English. And I learned to pronunce the difference between "sit" and "shit", but I couldn't understand a little, so my host mother taught me politely. It was an opportunity to talk to my host family.
2. studying
We are surving the lockedown time, so we have enough times. We should study, or review my notebook. I think it is neessary because we foeget what we studied. So we have to study again.
3. doing my favorite things
we have enough times, so we can do something to like inside. For example, I like to watch Youtube, so I can watch movies all the time. We have too enough free times, so we should use our time effectively.
That's all. Thank you looking my opinions.

How I’m surviving the Lockdown-Akiho

 Hello everyone. I’m surviving the lockdown by doing these two things. 1) going outside for at least ten minutes a day, and 2)calling with friends in NZ every day. There is a good field behind my host family’s house. I’m exercising there. For example, skipping rope, aerobics, and stepping. I’m living with my host mother. I’m talking to her but we are running out of the topics, so I’m talking to someone on the phone, and having a fun time.

How I'm Surviving the Lockdown - Kanari

Hi everyone. I'm Surviving the Lockdown by four things. First, watching Netflix. Second, calling with friends and third is walking. Netflix has many kinds of movies and dramas so I can spend whole day watching Netflix. Especially, I like THE CAT IN THE HAT and HAIRSPRAY. I've been crazy about glee these days. Then, calling friends makes me feel better. I miss my friends because I can't see them, but just calling and talking them makes me happy. Also, today we discussed about what is the best drink for health. It's an good opportunity to speak English when I don't have classes so I can improve English skill. Thanks for the evolution of technology. Finally, going out for a walk is good for health and a nice change of pace.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

How I'm Surviving the Lockdown - David

Hi everybody. I'm Surviving the lockdown by two things. 1) Taking my dog for a couple of walks everyday and 2) Reading. Taking the dog for walks gets me out of the house. That way I can enjoy the fresh air and the views and get some exercise. Then, reading transports me to other worlds and expands my horizons. I can travel far and wide from the comfort of my armchair at home. What are you doing to stay sane during the lockdown?

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Welcome to Our Class Blog

Hi folks
Welcome to our class blog. We'll use this forum to share our ideas and feelings about x, y & z and as a result build up our fluency. Enjoy the ride!