Sunday, March 29, 2020

How I'm surving the Lockdown-Yumi

Hi everyone. I'm surving the lockdown by doing three things.
1. talking to my host family, or my friends.
 For example, today I talked to my friends, and we discussed about what is the best drinking for our health. It was a little difficult topic, but we could  practice English. And I learned to pronunce the difference between "sit" and "shit", but I couldn't understand a little, so my host mother taught me politely. It was an opportunity to talk to my host family.
2. studying
We are surving the lockedown time, so we have enough times. We should study, or review my notebook. I think it is neessary because we foeget what we studied. So we have to study again.
3. doing my favorite things
we have enough times, so we can do something to like inside. For example, I like to watch Youtube, so I can watch movies all the time. We have too enough free times, so we should use our time effectively.
That's all. Thank you looking my opinions.


  1. The discussion was fun so let's discuss another topic next time!
    It's a good thing to be able to learn English except for class.

    1. Thank you for your comment. It's a big progress for me because I could learn about that. After self-isolation, let's go out together! I'm looking forward to seeing you!

  2. Hi Yumi
    Some nice ideas here. I have also used the lockdown as an opportunity to chat with friends online and to watch movies. Last week I chatted on Facebook with an old friend who is now living in Wellington. It was good to catch up with him. Then last night I watched a movie on Netflix with my wife. It is called 'Earthquake Bird' and is set in Japan. It is about a European woman who lives in Tokyo and meets and falls in love with a mysterious Japanese man who works in a noodle restaurant.

    1. Thank you for your comment. Your friend was ok?, becase of COVID-19. It tends to spread around NZ. And please tell me about your recommended movies. By the way, you watched it in Jaanese?

  3. We had a fun time! but next time, you shouldn't speak loudly, otherwise you'll be teach about politeness again hehe. Let's talk more...on the phone... I want to meet!!!

  4. Thank you for your comment. Please teach me about that, and next time teach me how to pronounce well. I respect you! After self-isolatin, let's go out together!
