Wednesday, May 13, 2020

A Work of Public Art I Like

I like this work, 'The Revenge of the Ocean #1' by Toothfish. I like it because of its dreamlike quality. It is a night sky resplendent with fish, to my eyes. I like it how there are several species of fish present and yet each fish of the same species also looks unique and individual. What exactly the mural means I don't know. I do know, though, that it makes me smile whenever I pass by it in the car on the way to Pak n' Save. It reminds me of the energy of marine life and the power of the imagination.

Monday, May 11, 2020

A Work of Public Art I Like

I chose this mural, I think it is kind of strange mural, and also it is surealism because the fish, whiich you can see the top right side is too big. I never seen this size fish. And also I tried to focus on a few ships and passengers. As a result, I could understand it is not real. People are too small, and the fish is too much big. That's a strange point which, I noticed when I saw this mural. I guess taht this mural compare something between the fish and people. In addition, the fish are eating people. It's not likely to happen. It represents fear, for example a world war things like this. The reason I like this mural that I like quite strange photos, movies, paintings etc. They make me thrilled, and also I can feel a little bit fear. That's an amazing thing! I can feel alive through fear.

A Word of Public Art I Like

This art is realistic and adorable from shade, body, cloths, and also, the boy is having a candy which is one of a favorite snacks among children. He is a blank look and seems like speechless. we can see the girl, who really love him because she is putting her arms around his neck. They are sitting red bench. It is emphasizeing love. I like this art's expression, and I think this art represents "indescribable pure love". It clean up our dirty minds and reminds us pure love.


A work of public art I like

This mural is very imaginative. In reality, it's impossible to catch clouds with nets, but in this mural, the boy catch clouds with insect nets. When I was a child, I wanted to catch clouds so I thought this was a painting of my childhood dream. The color is not strong and the impression is soft. This is very realistic because artist expressed the shadows and light well.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Blog Post 4 - A Work of Public Art I Like

Write one or two paragraphs about a work of public art in Dunedin that you like. Describe what the piece of art looks like, what it represents and explain why you like it.