Monday, May 11, 2020

A Work of Public Art I Like

I chose this mural, I think it is kind of strange mural, and also it is surealism because the fish, whiich you can see the top right side is too big. I never seen this size fish. And also I tried to focus on a few ships and passengers. As a result, I could understand it is not real. People are too small, and the fish is too much big. That's a strange point which, I noticed when I saw this mural. I guess taht this mural compare something between the fish and people. In addition, the fish are eating people. It's not likely to happen. It represents fear, for example a world war things like this. The reason I like this mural that I like quite strange photos, movies, paintings etc. They make me thrilled, and also I can feel a little bit fear. That's an amazing thing! I can feel alive through fear.


  1. I feel fear too when I saw this art. The art is impossible to draw something like don't happen in real life, so art is interesting for me!!

    1. I think so, too Kanari. Of course fish is not bigger than human. But this art expresses that, so this is the reason that I felt interesting.

  2. I've seen this mural, but I didn't seen it in front, so I didn't know that ships were depicted. I wanted to ask you about "something" in line5, what do you think something are?

    1. Really, Akiho? I'm glad to hear that! I didn't expect that you asked me this question. I meant like position? I don't know. Sorry about that, but this art is definitely interesting, isn't it?

  3. Interesting response, Yumi! Your reflection "I can feel alive through fear" is an interesting one. Scary things, things that threaten us, pump adrenaline into our bloodstreams, making us feel more alert and alive, ready for "fight or flight." So there is a good reason for your 'odd' feeling.
    Cheers, David

    1. I think most people have experienced to feel fear, and also alive. For example, fish. There are so many fishes in water, but of course there are some enemies, so small fishes have to run away from them. I imagine that is quite hard for humans.
