Sunday, April 5, 2020

An Experience of Surprise

One day I was driving along one of Dunedin's one-way streets, when all of a sudden I heard a loud graunching sound. What a shock! It turns out that as I was changing lanes I had turned into and side-swiped another vehicle.
I slowed down and pulled over, stopping at the side of the road. As did the other vehicle. Then I exchanged contact details with the other driver. He said that he must have been in my 'blind spot.'
As a result of this experience, I am much more careful when changing lanes on a multi-lane street. Now I very carefully check for other drivers in my rear vision mirror.


  1. It was a good things you weren't injured, but your car and another car could be terrible. Did you pay money to the other driver?

    1. Hi Akiho
      Thank goodness, neither my car or the other driver's car were seriously damaged. The sound of metal contacting metal was so scary, but the result was just scratched paintwork! Phew!
      David :-)

  2. It was so dangerous I think. I've never driven a car, so I felt afraid because I can't imagine. Also I thought that I don't want get a license. I'm sure that I can't drive well obviously.

    1. Hi Yumi
      I was shocked by this experience, and I think it has definitely made me a more careful driver. I think it is really useful to have a licence, though. Mind you, I never drove in Japan. Public transport is so extensive there and parking so problematic, it is probably an advantage not to drive about the big cities there.
      David :-)

  3. That's a very dangerous experience, isn't it? I don't have a car license now, so if i can get it, I'd like to drive carefully.

    1. Hi Kanari
      Yes I think driving carefully is pretty important. A moment's carelessness, hurriedness or inattention on the road can have dire consequences. In this case, though, fortunately no harm was done to health and very little harm was done to either of the vehicles involved.
      David :-)
