Thursday, April 30, 2020

Something I Value in LIfe

One thing I really value is the birdsong I hear as I walk the streets of my suburb of Dunedin and wander through the adjacent Green Belt. The song enlivens my spirit within and life seems all the more doable because of it. One of the most delightful songbirds is the tui. You can see a picture of one below.

Boring tui songs reflect challenges of urban living |


  1. Hi David.
    Do you like not only songbirds but also birds?
    I reccomend you that you should talk to Mike who is my teacher in the morning class. He likes bird very much. In the beginning of class, he always introduce "today's bird" to us. He is so nice!

  2. Hi david
    Do you like birds? I often listen to birds singing but I can't find them, so I don't know who is singing. Tui! what a beatiful color. they must be lovery singer.

  3. Hi David, I like songbirds too. Near my house there was a bird that made a sound like R2-D2 in Star Wars. The first time I heard the sound, I was surprised.
