Saturday, April 4, 2020

An Experience of Happiness

The most happy thing in my life is I came to New Zewaland to study abroad. It had been my dream to go abroad since I was a child, but I'd given up to go abroad because I don't have enough  money. I study English and American literature at University in Japan to help even a little when I go abroad and I want to know about the world. Then, I asked my family about I think I want to go studing abroad, so my grandfather paid fee for me. This is my first overseas life, therfore I could tatch many new things, and I love abroad even more!
ニュージーランド航空機 B787-9


  1. Your grandfather is so nice! I'm glad to see you in NZ. Your grandfather and you live together? I wnat see your family, I guess they are very kind people.

    1. My grandfather and I don't live together. I live alone. I will invite you in my both houses someday.

  2. How nice that you have been able to fufil a long-held dream in coming to study here at the UOLC. During your stay here, you're broadening your mind and becoming fluent in the world's 'lingua franca' - English.
    David :-)

    1. I hope so...I really want to speak English fuluently, so I'll keep make an effort. World's Lingua Franca is smile. Not!

  3. How a nice story! You're grandfather is so kind. i want to travel around the world with you.
