Saturday, April 4, 2020

An Experience of Happiness

When I was 17 years old, I met Naill Horan who is a member of the One Direction, and took photo in Japan. This is my happiness experience. I've liked One Direction since I was 11 years old. Until I met him, I had only seen him at the Live. I was so excited that I cried the moment I met him. I was very happy because I like him the best of One Direction. I can't forget that day. It became a memorable day for my whole life.


  1. You liked One Direction! I don't know much, but I know the name and I have listened a number of songs. Please tell me about your favorite song in One Direction.

    1. My favorite song is One thing. This song is up-tempo music. The MV is cute, so please check it up!

  2. I like One Direction too, and also I like singing songs of OneD! do you like to sing a song? Why don't we go to Karaoke?

    1. I'm not good at singing, but let's go to the Karaoke together! What song do you usually sing?

  3. Tell me more, Kanari. How did you get the opportunity to meet Niall Horan?
    I once had the opportunity to meet one of my favourite musicians after I attended his concert. His name is Bruce Cockburn. He's a Canadian singer-songwriter. That experience was a highlight for me too.
    David :-)

    1. I waited for him at the airport when he came to Japan. I looked into which airport he would arrive at. I went to Narita Airport, but I wasn't sure if he would arrive at Narita Airport. So I was very happy when I heard that he had arrived at Narita Airport.

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