Wednesday, May 13, 2020

A Work of Public Art I Like

I like this work, 'The Revenge of the Ocean #1' by Toothfish. I like it because of its dreamlike quality. It is a night sky resplendent with fish, to my eyes. I like it how there are several species of fish present and yet each fish of the same species also looks unique and individual. What exactly the mural means I don't know. I do know, though, that it makes me smile whenever I pass by it in the car on the way to Pak n' Save. It reminds me of the energy of marine life and the power of the imagination.

Monday, May 11, 2020

A Work of Public Art I Like

I chose this mural, I think it is kind of strange mural, and also it is surealism because the fish, whiich you can see the top right side is too big. I never seen this size fish. And also I tried to focus on a few ships and passengers. As a result, I could understand it is not real. People are too small, and the fish is too much big. That's a strange point which, I noticed when I saw this mural. I guess taht this mural compare something between the fish and people. In addition, the fish are eating people. It's not likely to happen. It represents fear, for example a world war things like this. The reason I like this mural that I like quite strange photos, movies, paintings etc. They make me thrilled, and also I can feel a little bit fear. That's an amazing thing! I can feel alive through fear.

A Word of Public Art I Like

This art is realistic and adorable from shade, body, cloths, and also, the boy is having a candy which is one of a favorite snacks among children. He is a blank look and seems like speechless. we can see the girl, who really love him because she is putting her arms around his neck. They are sitting red bench. It is emphasizeing love. I like this art's expression, and I think this art represents "indescribable pure love". It clean up our dirty minds and reminds us pure love.


A work of public art I like

This mural is very imaginative. In reality, it's impossible to catch clouds with nets, but in this mural, the boy catch clouds with insect nets. When I was a child, I wanted to catch clouds so I thought this was a painting of my childhood dream. The color is not strong and the impression is soft. This is very realistic because artist expressed the shadows and light well.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Blog Post 4 - A Work of Public Art I Like

Write one or two paragraphs about a work of public art in Dunedin that you like. Describe what the piece of art looks like, what it represents and explain why you like it.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Something I Value in LIfe

One thing I really value is the birdsong I hear as I walk the streets of my suburb of Dunedin and wander through the adjacent Green Belt. The song enlivens my spirit within and life seems all the more doable because of it. One of the most delightful songbirds is the tui. You can see a picture of one below.

Boring tui songs reflect challenges of urban living |

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Things I Value in My Life

What I value in my life are Friends and Health. The reason friends are my treasures is because they made my personality. I've been spending a lot of times with my friends more then my family when I am student, and my friende know how I behave in society, so they advice me. And of course, they make me happy, laugh, and always kind and listen to my concerns. Therfore, I love my friends and they are my treasures.
The other one is my health. I can do evrything if I am healthy, for example, I can practice something, I can make my family happy to do something, I can do everywhere, and I can get even happiness to do something. so I think health is valuable in my life.

Friends logo cover

The things that I value in life

I have some things thatI value in life. They are family, friends, and music. First, family is the most important treasure because they're my parents that grew up me. We have a distance from here to Japan, but I try to conact to each other. We are so nervous. By the way, my mother told me that if you come back to Japan, you'll isolate at a facility for two weeks, so we can't meet soon when you would come back to there. I hope to meet them soon, and my mother, too. Second, my friends are so kind for me. We sometimes quarrel with small problems. For example, actually I'm a moody person, so my friends warn me about that but then we tend to quarrel. They sometimes make me disgusted, but they're essential existences for me. Third, many kinds of music make me exited! I like listening music, not only playing the piano. I belive that music have a role as medicine. It means to be able to be fixed some diseases. If it comes true, people should start to play something which relates to music.

Things I value in my life

 My valuable things are photos, videos and family. The reason why photograph and video are valuable in my life is these are memories that make my life happy. when I feel sad or depressed, I look back at my photos and videos. I can forget the bad things when I remember that time. Just looking back at these things, I can't stop smiling.
 The other thing that's valuable in my life is family. There are five people in my family. Me, my father, my mother and twin brother and I have a dog. Now I'm studying abroad so I don't live with my family, but my brothers always care about me and  my mother give some good advices when I'm in trouble. Spending time with my dog relaxes me. I realized again how importance my family is after I went to study abroad. My family is the most precious treasure to me.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Blog Post 3 -Things I Value In My Life

Write a paragraph about the things you value in your life. In addition, upload an image to illustrate your text.

values | smwhreinbetween

Sunday, April 5, 2020

An Experience of Surprise

One day I was driving along one of Dunedin's one-way streets, when all of a sudden I heard a loud graunching sound. What a shock! It turns out that as I was changing lanes I had turned into and side-swiped another vehicle.
I slowed down and pulled over, stopping at the side of the road. As did the other vehicle. Then I exchanged contact details with the other driver. He said that he must have been in my 'blind spot.'
As a result of this experience, I am much more careful when changing lanes on a multi-lane street. Now I very carefully check for other drivers in my rear vision mirror.

My Happiest Experience

my happiest experience that happened reccently is that the cat in my homestay approached toward me. She is not friendly, because she is so shy. Then I felt so happy, I thought we could become friends. Actually, I have never had pets in Japan because my apartment bunned pets, so it is my first time to have pets. After she approached toward me, I could touch her. She looked to feel a little bit fear. But my host mom advised me that she is thinking are we friends really? I was really really fun. I learned from this experience animals also can think, and animals are always cuddy. I love animals!

Saturday, April 4, 2020

An Experience of Happiness

The most happy thing in my life is I came to New Zewaland to study abroad. It had been my dream to go abroad since I was a child, but I'd given up to go abroad because I don't have enough  money. I study English and American literature at University in Japan to help even a little when I go abroad and I want to know about the world. Then, I asked my family about I think I want to go studing abroad, so my grandfather paid fee for me. This is my first overseas life, therfore I could tatch many new things, and I love abroad even more!
ニュージーランド航空機 B787-9

An Experience of Happiness

When I was 17 years old, I met Naill Horan who is a member of the One Direction, and took photo in Japan. This is my happiness experience. I've liked One Direction since I was 11 years old. Until I met him, I had only seen him at the Live. I was so excited that I cried the moment I met him. I was very happy because I like him the best of One Direction. I can't forget that day. It became a memorable day for my whole life.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Blog Post 2 - An Emotional Experience

Write about an emotional experience you have had; either an experience of happiness, fear, surprise, sadness, anger or disgust. Then upload a relevant picture to complement your post.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

How I'm surving the Lockdown-Yumi

Hi everyone. I'm surving the lockdown by doing three things.
1. talking to my host family, or my friends.
 For example, today I talked to my friends, and we discussed about what is the best drinking for our health. It was a little difficult topic, but we could  practice English. And I learned to pronunce the difference between "sit" and "shit", but I couldn't understand a little, so my host mother taught me politely. It was an opportunity to talk to my host family.
2. studying
We are surving the lockedown time, so we have enough times. We should study, or review my notebook. I think it is neessary because we foeget what we studied. So we have to study again.
3. doing my favorite things
we have enough times, so we can do something to like inside. For example, I like to watch Youtube, so I can watch movies all the time. We have too enough free times, so we should use our time effectively.
That's all. Thank you looking my opinions.

How I’m surviving the Lockdown-Akiho

 Hello everyone. I’m surviving the lockdown by doing these two things. 1) going outside for at least ten minutes a day, and 2)calling with friends in NZ every day. There is a good field behind my host family’s house. I’m exercising there. For example, skipping rope, aerobics, and stepping. I’m living with my host mother. I’m talking to her but we are running out of the topics, so I’m talking to someone on the phone, and having a fun time.

How I'm Surviving the Lockdown - Kanari

Hi everyone. I'm Surviving the Lockdown by four things. First, watching Netflix. Second, calling with friends and third is walking. Netflix has many kinds of movies and dramas so I can spend whole day watching Netflix. Especially, I like THE CAT IN THE HAT and HAIRSPRAY. I've been crazy about glee these days. Then, calling friends makes me feel better. I miss my friends because I can't see them, but just calling and talking them makes me happy. Also, today we discussed about what is the best drink for health. It's an good opportunity to speak English when I don't have classes so I can improve English skill. Thanks for the evolution of technology. Finally, going out for a walk is good for health and a nice change of pace.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

How I'm Surviving the Lockdown - David

Hi everybody. I'm Surviving the lockdown by two things. 1) Taking my dog for a couple of walks everyday and 2) Reading. Taking the dog for walks gets me out of the house. That way I can enjoy the fresh air and the views and get some exercise. Then, reading transports me to other worlds and expands my horizons. I can travel far and wide from the comfort of my armchair at home. What are you doing to stay sane during the lockdown?

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Welcome to Our Class Blog

Hi folks
Welcome to our class blog. We'll use this forum to share our ideas and feelings about x, y & z and as a result build up our fluency. Enjoy the ride!